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(Standing Orders for this Series are Accepted)

AAS Papers that are not available in hard copy are published on 6x4 negative microfiche (early sets COSATI standard, now NMA standard).  Some microfiche sets are proceedings of technical meetings; others supplement hard-copy proceedings.  To keep costs down, each fiche contains an average of two technical papers.  The average cost is less than $3.00 per paper and less than $5.00 per fiche.  AAS microfiche can be filed numerically by AAS number.

Complete AAS Microfiche Series collection
(1792 papers, 884 microfiche) Vols. 1-80
(approximately 50% of individual volume list price) . . . . . . . . $965.00

Out-of-print proceedings on microfiche 
(Vols. 1-5, 7-8, 17, 20 I&II-22, 29 I, 31 I & II, 52, 53, 56, Advances;
Vols. 5, 11, 21, 24, 26, 37-40, 47, 66 Science & Technology)
(approximately 50% of individual volume list price) . . . . . . . . .  $460.00

Individual volumes are available at the prices indicated.

Recent Volumes:  AAS Microfiche Series
Vol. 72  ASTRODYNAMICS 1995, 1996, 6 papers, 4 fiche $15 (With Vol. 90, Advances comprises proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conference held Aug. 14-17, 1995, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) 
Vol. 73  SPACEFLIGHT MECHANICS 1996, 1996, 3 papers, 3 fiche, $10 (With Vol. 93, Advances comprises proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting held Feb. 12-15, 1996, Austin, Texas) 
Vol. 74  SPACE EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT: BEYOND THE SPACE STATION, 1997,  43 abstracts, 3 fiche, $15 (Abstracts and extended abstracts from the 43rd Annual AAS Meeting, Dec. 9-11, 1996, Houston, Texas) 
Vol. 75  GUIDANCE AND CONTROL 1997, 1997, 11 papers, 6 fiche, $30 (With Vol. 94, Advances comprises proceedings of the 20th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference held Feb. 5-9, 1997, Breckenridge, Colorado) 
Vol.  76  SPACE EXPLORATION: A DRIVING FORCE FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH, 1997,  39 abstracts, 2 fiche, $15 (Abstracts from the 35th AAS Goddard Memorial Symposium, Mar. 3-5, 1997, Greenbelt, Maryland) 
Vol.  77  SPACE EXPLORATION: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES, 1998,  21 abstracts, 1 fiche, $10 (Abstracts from the 44th Annual AAS Meeting, Dec. 3-5, 1997, Pasadena, California) 
Vol. 78  SPACEFLIGHT MECHANICS 1998, 1998, 2 papers, 1 fiche, $10 (With Vol. 99, Advances comprises proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting held Feb. 9-11, 1998, Monterey, California)

1999, 41 abstracts, 2 fiche, $15, (Abstracts from the 45th Annual AAS Meeting, Nov. 17-19, 1998, Houston, Texas)
Vol. 80  MAPPING A COURSE FOR SOLAR SYSTEM EXPLORATION,  1999, 32 abstracts, 1 fiche, $10 
(Abstracts from the 46th Annual AAS Meeting, Nov. 16-18, 1999, Pasadena, California)
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Out-of-Print AAS Books on Microfiche

Vols. 1-5, 7-8, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences , (Proceedings 1957-1963) $20 per volume 

Vol. 17
, BIOASTRONAUTICS - FUNDAMENTAL AND PRACTICAL PROBLEMS, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, $20 

Vol. 20 I & II, POST APOLLO EXPLORATION, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 1966, $65 

Vol. 21, PRACTICAL SPACE APPLICATIONS, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 1967, $40 

Vol. 22, THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 1967, $30 

Vol. 29 I, THE OUTER SOLAR SYSTEM, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 1971, $40 

Vol. 31 I & II, THE SKYLAB RESULTS, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 1975, $45 

Vol. 52, DEVELOPING THE SPACE FRONTIER, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 1983, $45 

Vol. 53, SPACE MANUFACTURING 1983, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 1983, $50 

Vol. 56, FROM SPACELAB TO SPACE STATION, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 1984, $30 


Vol. 11, SPACE FLIGHT MECHANICS SPECIALISTS SYMPOSIUM, Science and Technology, 1967, $60 

Vol. 21, REDUCING THE COST OF SPACE TRANSPORTATION, Science and Technology, 1969, $25 

Vol. 24, AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, Science and Technology, 1970, $40 

Vol. 26, TECHNOLOGY UTILIZATION IDEAS FOR THE 70S AND BEYOND, Science and Technology, 1971, $30 

Vol. 37, SPACE RESCUE AND SAFETY 1974, Science and Technology, 1975, $25 

Vol. 38, SKYLAB SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS, Science and Technology, 1975, $20 

Vol. 39, ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND AGRI-TECHNOLOGY, Science and Technology, 1976, $20 

Vol. 40, FUTURE SPACE ACTIVITIES, Science and Technology, 1976, $20 

Vol. 47, HANDBOOK OF SOVIET LUNAR AND PLANETARY EXPLORATION, Science and Technology, 1979, $25 

Vol. 66, SOVIET SPACE PROGRAMS 1980-1985, Science and Technology, 1987, $45

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Journal of the Astronautical Sciences on Microfilm

Vols. 1-19 (1954-June 1972) 16mm negative microfilm on 3M cartridge   $100.00 

Vols. 20-26 (July 1972-1978) 16mm negative microfilm on 3M cartridge   $100.00 

Vols. 27-33 (1979-1986) 16mm negative microfilm on 3M cartridges (2)   $200.00 

Vols. 1-33 (1954-1986) 16mm negative microfilm on 3M cartridges (4)   $300.00

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